Doom Metal
- A Pale Horse Named Death
- A Storm of Light
- Above Aurora
- Abysmal Grief
- Acid King
- Ahab
- Albez Duz
- Alkerdeel
- Alunah
- An Abstract Illusion
- Anathema
- Anderwelt
- Angry Bastard
- Apostle Of Solitude
- Arctic Sea Survivors
- Argile
- As Autumn Dies
- Ascend
- Ashtar
- Aspen
- Asphyx
- Atlantean Kodex
- Autopsy
- Avatarium
- Bagheera
- Batushka
- Bees Made Honey In The Vein Tree
- Below
- Birushanah
- Black Capricorn
- black salt
- Black Shape Of Nexus
- Black Wizard
- Blindead
- Blood Ceremony
- Blood Runs Deep
- Blood Wolf Moon
- Body Void
- Bohren und der Club of Gore
- Bongthrower
- Bottomless
- Brocken
- Brothers Of The Sonic Cloth
- Bus
- Candlemass
- Carrion Mother
- Castle
- Chaos Echoes
- charlene beretah
- Chorosia
- Church Of Misery
- Cirith Ungol
- Coltaine
- Confusion Master
- Conjurer
- Convocation
- Cough
- Crematory
- Crimson Edge
- CrimsonEdge
- Crowbar
- Crown
- Crypt Sermon
- Cult of Occult
- Danzig
- Dark Buddha Rising
- Dawn of Solace
- Dead Soul
- Death Row
- Décembre Noir
- Deen Cahloun
- Demon Head
- Deuil
- Doom Division
- Doomas
- Doomenfels
- Dopelord
- Dopethrone
- Draconian
- Dragged Into Sunlight
- Dread Sovereign
- E-L-R
- Eagle Twin
- Earth Ship
- Echolot
- Egypt
- Elcano
- Elder
- Electric Wizard
- Engulfed
- Enojado
- Epitaph
- Estatic Fear
- Evoken
- Excruciation
- Fall Of Empyrean
- Felsenmirror
- Fiend
- Fister
- Forlet Sires
- Frostmoor
- Gaupa
- Ghoast
- Ghold
- Ghostheart Nebula
- Glitter Wizard
- Glorious Home
- Goatess
- Godthrymm
- Gold
- Gozu
- Guyođ
- Hamferð
- Hang The Bastard
- Hangman's Chair
- Heavy Lord
- Helve
- High Reeper
- Hinayana
- Holy Hydra
- Holy Serpent
- Hornss
- I Not Dance
- Innersphere
- Inter Arma
- Iron Walrus
- Jex Thoth
- Jupiterian
- Kala Azar
- Katatonia
- Kauan
- Kaunis Kuolematon
- Kernal
- Kevin und die tätowierte Vollzeitmutter
- Khemmis
- King Buzzo
- Knockdown Industries
- Konvent
- Krigsgrav
- Krypts
- Leaden Fumes
- Leichenhammer
- Livgone
- Lord Dying
- Lords Of Salem
- Loss
- Lucifer
- Luik
- Mammoth Storm
- Mantar
- Marthe
- Mercyful Fate
- Messa
- Minsk
- Monarch!
- Monolord
- Morne
- Mortal Blood
- Mournful Congregation
- Mudbath
- My Dying Bride
- My Silent Wake
- Naam
- Nailed To Obscurity
- Nevergreen
- Nibiru
- Nightslug
- Niura
- Nomad Son
- Norna
- Nott
- Nuclear Magick
- Oath Of Cranes
- Obelyskkh
- Occvlta
- October Tide
- Oimjakon
- Oltas
- One Inch Giant
- Ophis
- Orchid
- Ordos
- Öröm
- Our Survival Depends On Us
- Pallbearer
- Paradise Lost
- Pentagram
- Phantom Winter
- Phased
- Phobocosm
- Ponte del Diavolo
- Primitive Man
- Purple Hill Witch
- Reverend Bizarre
- Rise and Shine
- Rorcal
- S.I.D.
- Sabbath Assembly
- Sahg
- Saint Vitus
- Salem's Pot
- Saturnalia Temple
- Saturnus
- Scar of the Sun
- Seventh Angel
- shEver
- Shores of Null
- Shrinebuilder
- Shrines of Dying Light
- Shrooms Circle
- Sixes
- Skullpriest
- Skyblend
- Sleep
- Sleep Unit
- Sludge
- Smoulder
- Soldat Hans
- Solstice
- Sons Of Otis
- Soothsayer
- Sorcerer
- Sorrow
- Soul Invictus
- Soulburn
- Sourvein
- Spancer
- Spectral Voice
- Spirit Adrift
- Spirit Caravan
- Stoned Jesus
- Subrosa
- Suma
- Sunn O)))
- Supuration
- Swallow The Sun
- Syvään
- Tar Pond
- Taurus
- The Body
- The Committee
- The Devil
- The Foreshadowing
- The Goatjuring
- The Necromancers
- The Obsessed
- The Order Of Israfel
- The Skull
- The Slayerking
- The Sunwashed Avenues
- The Well
- The Wounded Kings
- Three Eyes Left
- Thronehammer
- Totengott
- Traumalice
- Trialogos
- Triste
- Trogne
- Type O Negative
- Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats
- Undertow
- Unhold
- Ural Umbo
- Uzala
- Valborg
- Verdun
- Vesicant
- Viator Mundi
- Voodooshock
- Walk Through Fire
- Warhammer
- Wazzara
- Weeping Silence
- Whitehorse
- Windhand
- Witch Mountain
- Witchsorrow
- Witchthroad Serpent
- Woe unto me
- Wolf Counsel
- Wolfheart
- Wrack
- Wrekmeister Harmonies
- Wrong
- Zatokrev
Hey Metalheads!
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