- 23rd Grade Of Evil
- 2Bad
- 2Black
- 3rd Choice
- 45 Bullet
- 69 Chambers
- A Certain State Of Mind
- A Dying Ember
- A Lost Game
- A Phobic Smile
- A Place Left to Hide
- A River Crossing
- A Small District
- A Thousand Years Slavery
- A Tragedy of Fate
- A World of Failed History
- Aara
- Ab Occulto
- Abgrund
- Abinchova
- Abis Dice
- Abraham
- Abrassiv
- Abri160
- Absolution Denied
- Abstract Insanity
- Abstract Reason
- Aby's Dice
- Abysmal Art
- Abyss of Fear
- Aby‘s Dice
- Accelerator
- Accreation
- ACE - a concert experience
- Acheronian Scar
- Acid Breakup
- Acidcell
- Across Atear
- Across Your Enemy
- Act Of Reprisal
- Adam
- Adaya Lancha
- Addicted
- Addicthead
- Adelon
- Adrenaline 101
- Aerosol
- After The Story
- Against The Machine
- Age Of Collision
- Age Of The Sun
- Agent of Kaos
- Aggressive Fear
- Agony Of Tales
- Aim To Defy
- Airstream Shakers
- Aka Profound
- Akantha
- Akroasis
- Aktoasis
- Akudama
- Alchemists
- Alcohol Related Death
- Algebra
- Alien Bubblegum
- Aline Sleeps
- Alive For Redemption
- Alkemy
- All Against Reason
- All from Village
- All Life Ends
- All Over The Face
- All To Get Her
- Allison
- Allys Fate
- Almost Human
- Almøst Human
- Alto Voltaggio
- Altöl
- Amagortis
- Amber
- Ambofro
- Amethyst
- Amixs
- Among Vultures
- Amongst Pariahs
- Amphitrium
- Amputate
- An Lár
- Anachronism
- Anam Kara
- Andhrimnir
- Andrea Bignasca
- Andrea Bignasca (CH) + Mono Mojo (CH)
- Andrscht
- Andy Egert Blues Band
- Anger In Defeat
- Anger Mgmt.
- Angry Alliance
- Angry Bastard
- Angry Buddha
- Angry Iced Bears
- Angry Rabbit
- Angus McSix
- Animal Instinct
- Anna Murphy
- Anonymous Bastards
- Another Approach
- Antaraxid
- Anthem For A Dying Day
- Antibiotics
- Antiversum
- Anxiety
- AoxoToxoA - Grateful Dead Tribute
- Ape Rites
- Aphrodite's Curse
- Appearance of Nothing
- Arasim
- ArcAine
- Arcanum
- Archaos
- Archeronian Scar
- Arctic Blind
- Arctos Staphylos
- Arcturon
- Areion
- Arkhaeon
- Arkhan
- Arrows Fall
- Arshvynd
- Art of Phobia
- Artifiction
- Arune
- As Autumn Dies
- As I Scream
- As Sanity Fades
- As the Sun falls
- Asag
- Asaviga
- Ascéal
- Asep Stone
- Asgard
- Ashtar
- Askara
- Asool
- ASP & Diary of Dreams
- Assort
- Asterion
- Astrowhale
- Aswang
- Ateiggär
- Athlete
- Atlas and Axis
- Atlas Ashes
- Atomic Flower
- Atomic Symphony
- Atritas
- Atropas
- Attack Vertical
- Attempt To Reach
- Attracted By Goats
- Audiolegend
- Aura Davis
- Avalanche
- Avalanche Of Blood
- Aversion
- Awhile
- Axxelerator
- Babes Of Glory
- Back East
- back in the days
- Backcraft
- Backface
- Backwash
- Backwater
- Bad Ass Romance
- Bad Blood Behaviour
- Bad Marily
- Bad Marilyn
- Bad Sin
- Bagheera
- Bak XIII
- Bang One's Head
- Banging Heart
- Barefoot to the Moon
- Bark
- Barock Rain
- Baseball Bat Boogie Bastards
- Basement Saints
- Battalion
- Battle Tales
- BBR – Buddies, Beer & Rock n' Roll
- Bedrängnis
- Before The Decay
- Behind Enemy Lines
- Behold! The Drone!
- Bell Baronetts
- Bernadette
- Besalisk
- Bestial Invasion
- Between The Frontlines
- Beurre
- Beyond Dystopia
- Beyond Frequencies
- Beyond the Collapse
- Beyond the Gravel
- Beyond The Vortex
- Big Big Train
- Big Bone
- Big Clyde
- Bikini Girls
- Billy Alibi
- Biosick
- Bitch
- Bitch Queens
- bitterSun
- Black Angels
- Black Diamonds
- Black Feather
- black salt
- Black Sheep
- Black Shiva
- Black Toaster
- Black Tropics
- Black Wind
- Blackbourne
- Blackcurrant Jam
- Blackest Heart
- Blackline
- Blackmedia
- Blackwall
- Blades
- Blakk Old Blood
- Blanche Biau
- Blast Beats
- Blasted
- Bleak Fandango
- Blend 71
- Blind Butcher
- Blind Slavery
- Blockbuster
- Blood Bound
- Blood Runs Deep
- Bloodcrown
- Bloodlost
- Bloodstained Ground
- Bloody Blashphemy
- Bloody Crooks
- Bloody Horseface
- Bloom to Perish
- Blow Job
- Blown
- Blown Fuse
- Blue Rage
- Blues Container
- Blunt Force Therapy
- Blutmond
- Blutspiel
- Bob Spring
- Bob Spring and the Calling Sirens
- Bodoh
- Bollocks
- Bölzer
- Bone Busters
- Bonie Moronie
- Bonie Morony
- Bony Moronie
- Bordeaux Lip
- Borderline
- Borgne
- Born As Ghosts
- Born in Dorian
- brain bucket
- Braincut
- Brainholz
- Breach The Void
- Breakdown of Sanity
- Bright Lights
- Britney
- Broken Bass
- Broken Fate
- Bronco
- Brook
- Brutal Baby Beach Fuck
- Brutal God
- Bubble Beatz
- Bunkr
- Buried Alive
- Buried Side
- Buried Skies
- Burn Our Hometown
- Burn Out
- Burning Flesh
- Burning Ice
- burning monks
- Burning Witches
- Burst
- Cage
- Caladmor
- Calarook
- Calcined
- Calhoun Conquer
- Call Me Peter
- Callandor
- Camerra
- Camion
- Cân Bardd
- Cancel
- Cancel The Sky
- Captain Control
- Car Drive Anthem
- Cardiac
- Caress
- Cargo Pilots
- Carnal Decay
- Caroline Breitler
- Carson
- Casatron
- Castleway
- Catalyst
- Cataract
- Catch my Story
- Cattlefood
- Causam
- Cell Of Hell
- Cellar Darling
- Cello Inferno
- Celtic Frost
- Censored
- Cerperus
- Chain Reaction
- Chainer
- Challenger
- Changed
- Chaoseum
- Chaosmonger
- Chapter II
- Charing Cross
- charlene beretah
- Charming Locals
- Chase The Pancake
- Chelsea Deadbeat Combo
- Cherrybeats
- Chessfloor
- Chickenhouse
- Child of Pain
- Chimaera
- China
- Choke Under Terror
- Chokedamp
- Choreography of the Dead
- Chotzä
- Chris Samuel
- Chronic Shock
- Chronical Agony
- ChronicalAgony
- Chrystal Ball
- Cideraid
- Circle Of Execution
- City Beyond The Ocean
- Clawerfield
- ClayXRegazzoni
- Clit Commander
- Cloks Tik
- Cobra Death
- Code Of Conduct
- Coilcry
- Coilguns
- Cold Cell
- Cold Filtered
- Collective decay
- Colossus Fall
- Comaniac
- Combineharvester
- Confector
- Conjonctive
- Connector
- Conniver
- Constant Hunger
- Constraint
- Consumed by Vultures
- Contorsion
- Contract
- Convoi
- Convoy
- Convulsif
- Coprinus
- Cordyceps
- CoreLeoni
- Coroner
- Corpus Delicti
- Corroded
- Cortez
- Cosmic Circle
- Crack the Clown
- Crackerbarrel
- Crackfist
- Craigh
- Crane's Legacy
- Crashtime
- Craticula
- Craver
- Crazy Chick and the Roosters
- Crazy Diamond
- Creeon
- Creeper
- Creeping Vengeance
- Cremation
- Crescent Moon
- Crimer
- Crimson Edge
- Crimson Rain
- CrimsonEdge
- Critical Heartbeat
- Cropment
- Crossover Blues Band
- Crowblood
- Crown Of Glory
- Crude Caress
- Crusher (SUI)
- Cruszt
- Crying Vessel
- Crypt
- Cryptic Symphony
- Cryptic Voice
- Crystal Ball
- Cult of Blood
- Cutest Beast
- Cyllene
- D'Or
- Dada Ante Portas
- Daedalian Opus
- Daerachas
- Dagmar
- Daïgoro
- Dakhma
- Dame Tu Alma
- Damnatory
- Dan Breeker
- Darius
- Dark Despair
- Dark Gravity
- Dark Path
- Dark Samhain
- Dark Shadow
- DarkFlow
- Darkmoon
- Darkrise
- Darkspace
- Darrow
- das archea
- Dave & The Dudes
- Dave Phillips
- Dawn Breaker
- Dawn Of Torture
- Dawnbreaker
- Dawnless
- Days Of Ruin
- Dead Born Vision
- Dead End
- Dead Mans Dust
- Dead Venus
- Dead Werner
- Deaddrunk
- Deaf
- Death By Chocolate
- Death by Pressure
- Death Domain
- Death's Praying For Silence
- Deathcult
- Deathrope
- Deathstalker
- Deaththrone
- Decay Of The Skies
- Decay Remains
- Decent Disaster
- Declass
- Declined
- Deconvolution
- Ded Elk
- Deep Leak
- Deep Sun
- Deep Trip
- Deep Well
- Deepwell
- Defaced
- Defender
- Defused
- Delilahs
- Delion
- Delusion of Mankind
- Demons of Decay
- Demorium
- Depraved Sanctuary
- Depth Melody
- Des Königs Halunken
- Des Wahnsinns fette Boite
- Desert Hobo
- Desert Lily
- Desinfektor
- Despising Age
- Despu Palliton
- Deus Ex Machina
- Devils Bridge
- Devils Rage
- Devilsbridge
- Devon
- Diabolic Divine
- Diagnosis Human
- Dick Laurent
- Digger
- Dirty Purple Turtle
- Dirty Sanchez
- Dirty Sound Magnet
- Disagony
- Disarm
- Disblow
- Disco Doom
- Discomfort of Existence
- Disconnect
- Disgusting Fist
- Disillusion Road
- Disinclined
- Disobedience
- Disparaged
- Dispo
- Distant Past
- Ditch Warden
- Divension
- Divine
- Divine Sentence
- Dizzip
- Dizzy Fox
- Doctor Dipshit
- Dog Days
- Dögz
- Dolohruz
- Dom Beech
- Don P. & The Blue Jags
- Don't Panic
- Don't Skate On My Ramp
- Doomenfels
- Doomsteps
- Down of Torture
- Doxies
- dr.Gnom
- Drain
- Draven
- Dreams In Fragments
- Dreamshade
- DrHaze And The Wise Lizardz
- Drifted Apart
- Drifter
- Drill.
- Drive by Kiss
- Driven Under
- Driving Force
- Drïzella
- Drown Incus
- Drunken Gamblers
- Dry & Shattered
- Dry and Shattered
- Dryburn
- Duality of Mind
- Dukes of Harmony
- Dustriders
- Dusty Answer
- Dusty Farm
- Dying Lifeless
- Dysrider
- Dystera
- E-L-R
- E.P.M.D
- Ean Lord
- Ear
- Echo Vom Aathal
- Echolot
- Eddie's Beast
- Eddies Beast
- Edesse
- editH
- Edward Bloom
- Effigy
- Elcano
- Electric Hellessence
- Electric Sun
- Elegua
- Elektrik Tom
- Element of Crime
- Eleventh
- Elferya
- Elio Ricca
- ELiX
- Elizabeth
- Eluveitie
- Elyria
- Elysian Fields
- Embalming Theatre
- Emerald
- Emesis
- Emma-O
- Empty Fridge
- Emuqa
- Enchant
- End of Silence
- Endoras
- Enigmatik
- Enoid
- Enter Password
- Entgleist
- Enthralling Dream
- Entitled
- Enzephalitis
- Enziphalitis
- Ephedra
- Epicentrum
- Eric St Michaels
- Erilar
- Ernte
- Eroica
- Erotic Jesus
- Erupdead
- Erzebeth Dane
- Escape from Sickness
- Escape to Orion
- Estate of Embers
- Eternal Death
- Eternal Delyria
- Eternal Winds
- Eudemonia
- eve's garden
- Evenmore
- Eversis
- Excelsis
- Excentric
- Excoriated
- Excruciation
- Exenteration
- Exhortation
- Exhumanator
- Exile Rd.
- Exit
- Exorbitant Prices Must Diminish
- Expellow
- Expenzer
- Extale
- Extermination
- Eye On Perdition
- F.O.R.M
- F.U.S.E
- Fabian Anderhub
- Face The End
- Failed Teachers
- Fake North
- Falesya
- FallDown
- Falling Down
- Fancy and the Boys
- Far Beyond Driven
- Fashion Roadkill
- Fast Lane
- Fate Control
- Fate of Faith
- Favez
- fc.kleinstadt
- Fear Lab
- Feinwaschmittel
- Felskinn
- Female Nose Breaker
- Feuerschwanz
- Fever Dreams
- Fighter V
- Fiji
- Final Crusade
- Final Cut
- Final Nightmare
- Final Story
- Fingers Crossed
- Fire Rain
- Fire Rose
- Firebreather
- Firemoon
- Firestroke
- First Conclusion
- Fishing With Dynamite
- Fist of Fate
- Five Miles Left
- Five Pound Pocket Universe
- Five Rusty Horizons
- Flame in the Darkness
- Flat Noise Bag
- Flayst
- flector
- flight of the pink hippos
- Flo LeBeau
- Flow2Soul
- Fluffy Machine
- Fomies
- Fondükotze
- Forced Shadow
- Forge
- Forlet Sires
- Forlorn Sky
- Forsaken Legion
- Fort Wendy
- Forty Shades
- Fox
- Fragment Of Symmetry
- Frank Needs Help
- Franky Four Fingers
- freaKings
- Freddy Steady
- Freezes Deyna
- Frigority
- Frijgard
- From Ashes To Earth
- From Mountains To Stars
- Frontslam
- Frostmoor
- Frozen Angels
- Frozen Gate
- Frozen Sword
- Frozenroom
- Fueld By Fear
- Fueled by Fear
- Fueled By Grace
- Fullpipe
- Fun At The Morgue
- Fun Halen
- Funeralopolis
- Fuzzbox
- Gägestill
- Gangrenomity
- Garcchaus
- Gelgia Caduff
- Gentle Beast
- Ghoast
- Ghörnt
- Ghost Inhale
- Ghost Lights
- Ghost Lights
- Giant Moa
- Giftstoff
- Ginger And The Alchemists
- Girls From Aloha
- Glaascats
- glaston
- Gletscher
- Gloria Volt
- Glorious Home
- Glowing Scars
- Goatfukk
- Gob Ribbons
- Gods Of Isando
- Gods of Silence
- Godspell
- Gomorra
- Gonoreas
- Gonzo
- Goose Under Pressure
- Goregeous Plagueround
- Gotthard
- Gracchus
- Grady Twins
- Gran Noir
- Granit
- Gravpel
- Graywolf
- Great Lady Under Earth
- Green Labyrinth
- Grey Monday
- greystar
- Grin
- Grofbol
- Groombridge
- Groove Druids
- Groove-T-Gang
- Grupo Inter Rock
- Gstürm
- Gulpdown
- Gurd
- Gurus of Now
- Güsel
- Gut Wound
- Haile Selacid
- Hairdryer
- Half Past Friday
- Half Past Six
- Hammer On
- Hamp Goes Wild
- Hån
- Hang Loose
- Hanreti
- Hanter Dro
- Happy Hippos Massaker
- Hard Bitten
- Hard-Code
- Hardroad
- Hardware
- Harmoniks
- Harvey Rushmore & The Octopus
- Hate Within Me
- Haternal
- Hathors
- Head As A Weapon
- Head Smashed
- Headless Crown
- Headless Project
- Heathen Heretic
- Heathen Heretics
- Heavy Demons
- Heavy Harvest
- Heckler
- Hedera
- Helium Moth
- Hellbourne
- Helldrive
- Hellevation
- HellFarts
- Hellforce
- Hellhammer
- Hellhammer – Triumph of Death
- Helliopolis
- Helllander
- Hellroom Projectors
- Hellucination
- Hellvetica
- Helslakt
- Hendricks the Hatmaker
- Henriette B
- Hey Satan
- High Five Sally
- HighVoltage
- HighWell
- Hildegard Lernt Fliegen
- Holepunch
- Holiday Wasteland
- Holzerhurd
- Homewards
- Honeyspoon
- Honor
- Hood Brawl
- Horace
- Hörmann
- Horny Dolphins
- Horse Meat Barbecue
- Hotroad
- How To Fall Asleep
- Hubris
- Hukedicht
- Humanoids
- Hunted Like Thieves
- Hydrahog
- Hyperium
- Hypocras
- Hypsign
- Hysteria
- I, Delusionist
- i.explode.i
- I.O.S
- Ikigai
- Ilja
- Illnow
- Illumishade
- Impalement
- Imperio
- Implosion Circle
- Impure Wilhelmina
- In death it rises
- In Love Your Mother
- In Need of Redemption
- In Oceand Deep
- In Oceans Deep
- In Your Face
- Incredi-Ballz
- Indigen
- Infected Noise
- Infected User
- Infective
- Infinitas
- Influence X
- Ingravity
- Inishmore
- Innocent Rosie
- Inplain
- Inplugged
- Inractable
- Insane Betty
- Insanity
- Insanity61
- Insemination Device
- Insincerity
- Insomnia Isterica
- Insomnia Rain
- Instruktable
- Intercoastal
- Interhuman
- Intractable
- InView
- Invisible Mirror
- Invoker
- Irij
- Iron Horses
- Irony Of Fate
- Istarian
- Izamanya
- Jabar
- Jack Slamer
- Jack Stoiker
- Jackhammer
- Jacuzzi Jaguar
- Jana Näpflin
- Jane Barnell
- Jane Reaction
- Jesse Dayton
- Jet Turino
- Joe Colombo
- Joel Goldenberger
- John Lees’ Barclay James Harvest
- JPM[s]
- Judge Minos
- Judges
- Jukebox Chaos
- Julia Heart
- Jum-Rock
- Jump-Rock
- Junipa Gold
- Junkie Rose
- Just.Nothing
- Justice League
- Kaatarakt
- Kabuki Joe
- Kahfa
- Kala Azar
- Kalles Kaviar
- Kampf Dem Sonnensystem
- Karaoke From Hell
- Karmageddon
- Kasparov
- Kassogtha
- Keep Talking
- Keesel
- Kehlvin
- Kel Amrûn
- Keltikon
- Kerberos
- Kernal
- Kerry and the Layzers
- Kess'khtak
- Kether
- Kevin und die tätowierte Vollzeitmutter
- Kid Ikarus
- Kill The Unicorn
- Killer
- Killflex
- Killjoy
- Kilmister
- King Legba and the Loas
- King Sable
- King Zebra
- Kirk
- Kissin' Black
- Kitten got Claws
- Klepka
- Knocked Out
- Knöppel
- Knowhere
- Knut
- Koenix
- Koldun
- Komatix
- Koraktor
- Köter
- Köter und Störsender
- Kotron
- Krach
- Krokus
- Kupid's Kurse
- Laerm
- Lagern
- Lamps of Delta
- Lass das
- Lasskahl
- Last Avenue
- Last Breath For An Addict
- Last Leaf Down
- Laudanum
- Lawless
- Le Baron Vampire
- Le Grand Mal
- Leaden Fumes
- Lebensangst
- Legend 69
- Legenda Aurea
- Leoghanta
- Leprechaun's Pleasure
- Les Elephants Terrible
- Les Georges
- les Solex
- LeSeek
- Let Them Eat Money
- Lethal Ordeal
- Leviathane
- Lichter Wald
- Lickford
- Life As War
- Life is pain
- Life's December
- Lifecrusher
- Lifeless Illusion
- Light Wölfin
- Lilium Sova
- Linus
- Liondays
- Liquid Bones
- Liquid Rain
- Liquid Room
- Little Toe
- live/wire
- Living Generation
- Living Shape
- Lizzard
- LM-Acoustics
- Load
- Loma
- Lombego Surfers
- Lord of the Grave
- Lordren
- Lords Of The Tresholds Of The Skies
- Lost Aries
- Lost Dogs
- Lost In Torment
- Lost Journey
- Lotrify
- Louie and the Wolfgang
- LowDown
- Ludens Bane
- Lunatica
- Lvx Haeresis
- Lycaena
- Lying Illusion
- Lykhaeon
- Lynn Maring
- Lyssa
- Lyvten
- Løvve
- M.Ä.T.
- M.D President
- M.X.D.
- Mabon
- Mace Dispute
- Mad Sox
- MadBrains
- Made Of Rats
- Madsox
- Magic Touch
- Magma Ocean
- Make Me A Donut
- Make Plain
- Malewicz
- Malphas
- Malum Innatum
- Mamba Bites
- Maniac
- Manifest
- Mantra
- Mantys
- Manus Sinistra
- Marhold
- Marlène and Band
- Martin Tillman
- Martyr Defiled
- MaryChain
- Mask The Faceless
- Masquerade
- Mass Control
- Matata
- Matchbox Whispers
- Matterhorn
- Matterhurt
- Max Muster Experience
- Maxxwell
- Me and the Rest
- Medusa's Child
- MeGas
- Megaton
- Megaton Sword
- Megawatt
- Megora
- Mekonium
- Meltdown
- Mental Breakdown
- Mephistosystem
- Mercury7
- Mesmerised
- Messiah
- Metal Engel
- Metallspürhunde
- Metin
- Metruction
- Metterhurt
- Midlandfuckers
- Midnight Deadbeat
- Midnight Deadbeats
- Migre Le Tigre
- Migu flow2soul
- Milde
- Milestone
- Mimicry
- Mind Patrol
- Mindcollision
- Mindwarp
- Ming Men
- Minhyriath
- Minsk Security
- Miracle Flair
- Mirco Schifferle
- Mirkwood Spiders
- Mirto Massaker
- Miss Kryptonite
- Miss Rabbit
- Mnemocide
- Modern Day Heroes
- Modern Mobbing
- Mojo Daniel
- Molotov Train
- Moment of Madness
- Monkey 3
- Monoton Grooveslade
- Monument
- Moonfrost
- Möped Lads
- Morbid Coal
- Mordan
- More Than Words
- Morgar
- Morgarten
- Morgenstern
- Morijah
- Morrigu
- Mortal Factor
- Mortal Hatred
- Mother Razorblade
- Motorbaiks
- Motorbreath
- Motorized Tarantula
- Motorizer
- Mount Koya
- Mud Slick
- Mudshovel
- Mugshot
- Muilaff
- Mulldrifter
- Mulo Muto
- Mumakil
- Murgang
- Murge
- Music de Chambre
- Music for the Space
- Must Be Wrong
- My Last Hour
- My Last Sorrow
- My Rising Edge
- Mycelia
- Mystic Sons
- N.M.A.
- N.M.E. Nationally Mixed Empire
- nächtlich thränet
- Nachtmaar
- Nadir
- Nahtsang
- Nail em
- Nakaruga
- Naked Soldier
- NamNamBulu
- Nansis
- Narrow Mind
- Narvik
- Nasty Cupid
- Nasty Face
- Nasty Rumors
- Nasty Vermin
- Neal Black
- Near Death Condition
- Neara
- Nebra
- Necroblation
- Necrosemen
- Nedan
- Nehara
- Nekromant
- Nekropolis
- Neo Noire
- Nerumia
- NevBorn
- Neverland
- New Jersey
- New Kids From The Docks
- New Saints
- Newkillaz"
- Nguru
- Nice To Eat You
- Nicetry
- Nidhoeggr
- Nightcrawler
- Nightram
- Nihilo
- Nine Seconds
- Nitrones
- Niura
- No Kings No Slaves
- No Less Violent
- No Limits
- Nö Mercy
- No Mute
- No Reward
- No Way To Escape
- Nobody's Straight
- Nocops
- Nodafreth
- Nofnog
- Noijzu
- Non Compos Mentis
- Norman Die
- Norvhar
- Nostromo
- November-7
- Now or Never
- Noxius
- Nubia
- Numbitious
- O.M.S.
- O.R.k
- Oath Of Cranes
- Obsidian Black
- Obsidium
- Occam's Razor
- Odrÿaz
- Ogmasun
- Oh Shit it's Wendelean
- Oimjakon
- Okto Vulgaris
- Olten
- Omissis
- Omnicide
- Omophagia
- On Elegance
- On-Off
- One Hour Before Breakfast
- One Hour Left
- One Lunar Day
- One Person
- One Way
- Onerous
- Open Eyed
- Open Waters
- Opferblut
- Ophelia's Eye
- Oral Fistfuck
- Orcus
- Oregon Trail
- Orso
- Oscurom
- Out of Gravity
- Outlaw Radio
- Overgrass
- Ownway
- P.C.A. - Punk Cover Asses
- Padoria
- Pain of Gomorrha
- Painhead
- Painkiller
- Pale Black
- Pale Moon
- Paleface
- Paleface Swiss
- Palmer
- Pandemic Death
- Pangasius
- Panic Generation
- Paralyzing Nightmare
- Pariah
- Parkhouse
- Parrot to the Moon
- Parties Break Hearts
- Parusie
- Pascal Geiser
- Path of Confusion
- Path of Desolation
- Path of Wrath
- patSKAts
- Paysage D'Hiver
- Peace is just a Break
- Pechstein
- Penguins On Extacy
- Perfect Strangers
- Perish to Bloom
- Persona Non Grata
- Pertness
- Pesticide
- Petrefakt
- Petrified
- Phantom Heart
- Phased
- Phoebe
- Pierrock
- Pig Sweat
- Pigskin
- Piledriver
- Pillar Of Salt
- Pilot Face
- Pilots of the Daydreams
- Ping Machines
- Pink Floyd – The Dark Side of the Moon Planetarium Experience
- Pinöt Noir
- Piranha
- Pit Stain Project
- Pixxie Dust
- Piz Primitiv
- Play To Destroy
- Plutopower2000
- PnB
- Polar Circles
- Pollen
- Poltergeist
- Polution
- Port Of Call
- Posh
- PostHumanBigBang
- Powerhill
- Prancing Rhinos
- Preamp Disaster
- Pregnancy
- Prevail Over One's Horizon
- Previous To Following
- Primate Anthem
- Primitive Hate
- Prisma
- Prison Planet
- Progsik
- Projekt Krank
- Promethee
- Promnight Bastards
- Proving
- ProXimA
- Prysm Insane
- Punish
- Pure
- Purpura
- Purulent Discharge
- Pusboil
- PxNxGx
- Pyrolyzed
- Pyrolyzed
- QL
- Qlesaar
- Qube
- Rabbit Lesson
- Radical Solution
- Radio Strange
- Radwaste
- Rafuel
- Rage of Light
- Rage Overload
- Rage Quit
- Raid 409
- Rainforce
- Rammzeit
- Ranzig
- Raptus Di Follia
- Rataxes
- Rätier
- Ravage Fix
- Ravenheart
- RaveUp
- Re-belles
- Re:loaded
- Realsilk
- Reaptile
- Rease
- Rebel Duck
- Rebel'n'Queen
- Rebound
- Rectal Depravity
- Rectal Inferno
- Red Eyes
- Red Lizard
- Red Queen
- Red Shamrock
- Red Shoes
- Red Tape Redemption
- Redeem
- Redheads Are Vampires
- ReDraw
- Redwood
- Reforge
- Refuel
- Reign of Silence
- Reigning Depravity
- Relayer
- Remote Lane
- Replacement of Paradise
- Requiem
- Resilience
- Restock
- Rezzo & Phil
- Rhabarber
- Rich Kid Blue
- Ricky Harsh
- Riddick Jones
- RimFire
- Ripstone
- Rising Fire
- RisingDawn
- Rizon
- Road to Nowhere
- Roadfever
- Rock Raiders
- Rock-Out
- Rockwalden
- RohCHoscht
- Rolling Tongues
- Roots Of Death
- Rorcal
- Rowdy Silence
- Roxxie Dee
- Royal Desolation
- Rude Tins
- Rue des Cascades
- Ruffiction
- Ruined
- Rumpelstoff
- Run to you
- Running Maiden
- Running On Rye
- Rusted Guns
- Rusted Idol
- Røstrøkr
- S S S S
- S.G.A.T.V.
- Sacra
- Sacrificed with a Scythe
- Safe State
- Sahara Rain
- Saint City Orchestra
- Samael
- Samantha Fish
- Sapporo Samurai
- Sard
- Satanic Violence
- Saustall
- Save Your Last Breath
- Saving Darcy
- Sawmill
- Sayras
- Scarlet Burst
- Scarred
- Scarred Abscess
- Scathing
- Sceneries of Solitude
- Schäfer
- Schammasch
- Schlächt
- SchnellerTollerMeier
- Schwarzlicht
- Schwermetall Weekend 12
- Science Of Disorder
- Scorch
- Scorn Harvest
- Scream Your Name
- Screams Of Suffering
- Seawolves
- Second Function
- Second Reign
- Second Verses First
- Secondfirst
- Secondhand Child
- Secures
- Seemannsgarn
- Sein.
- Selbstbedienung
- Sense of a Divination
- Septagramm
- Seraina Telli
- Sergent Papou
- Serpens Luminis
- Sesto Senso
- Set the Destroyer
- Seven Oaks
- Several Minutes Later
- Sexy
- Shades of Purple
- Shadow's Far
- ShadowPath
- Shadows Far
- Shadows Of Defeat
- Shadowsfear
- Shah Blah
- Shakra
- Shallow Bloodhood
- Shallow Dissent
- Shame on U
- Shanghai Guns
- Shattered Mind Machine
- Shelter Noiz
- shEver
- Shezoo
- Shield Breaker
- Shimes
- Shiny Brown
- Shit Can Devil
- Shooting Angels
- Shrines of Dying Light
- Shrooms Circle
- Sick Twisted Smile
- Sickret
- Sicorion
- Side Point Censored
- Sideburn
- Sideways in Reverse
- Silence Lost
- Silent Circus
- Silent Slander
- Silver Dust
- Silver Mountain
- Silver Mountain - Tribute To Rainbow
- Silvester Tribute Bash
- Simia Sapiens
- Sin City
- Sin Logica
- Sin Starlett
- SiN69
- Sinequanon
- Sink or Swim
- Sinorma
- Sinside
- Sir Donkey's Revenge
- Sister Hollow
- Skafari
- Skaldensang
- Skansis
- SkidMark
- Skillas Revenge
- Skrylls
- Skullcross
- Skulless
- Skullpriest
- Skyblend
- Skylla's Revenge
- Slam and Howie and the Reserve Men
- Slamentation
- Slaves
- Slaves for the Queens (QOTSA)
- Slaves of Life
- Sleep Unit
- Sliks
- Slimboy
- Slop!
- slowDrive
- Sludge
- Sm@g
- Smack
- Smackdown To Reality
- Small Thanx For It
- SMES (Super Metal Entertainment System)
- Smile
- Smiling Ässhöles
- Smilodon
- Smog
- Smoke 'n' Flame
- Snakebone
- Snakeskin Boozeband
- Snook
- Snødergøvs
- So Wasted
- Sobchak
- Social Deadwork
- Solace.
- Soldat Hans
- Soldiers Bloodcraft
- Solitudo Solemnis
- Some Kind of Noise
- Son Cesano
- Sons of Coherence
- Sons of Morpheus
- Sons of Sobchak
- Sooma
- SorePoint
- Soul Madison
- Soul Of Steel
- Soul Store
- Soulless (SUI)
- Soulline
- Souls Revival
- Spacebrain
- Speedy And The Fuck Offs
- Spencer
- Spit Some Blood
- Sprüssy & Hansa
- Stallion
- Starköl
- Station Quo
- Stealy
- Steeld
- Steelmade
- Steelroad
- Stereotrip
- Steve Hophead
- Steve R.
- Stiff Faces
- Stiff Staff
- Still Slayer
- Still Untitled
- Stoked
- Stone Free
- Stone Hail
- Stone Shaper
- Stoneman
- Stoph Bjornson
- Storm Warning
- Stortregn
- Strain Of Madness
- Strained Nerve
- Stranded Heroes
- Strangers in the Attic
- Stranglehold
- Strugglers
- Stud Hit
- Stürmechopf
- Suborned
- Suffocate
- Sugarboys
- Suicidal Mermaid
- Suicide Bridge
- Sulphur Sun
- Sum Of R
- Suma Covjek
- Summum Silentium
- Sun'n'Steel
- Supervisor
- Support Revival
- Surrealist
- Suspicious Suitcases
- Svamanvcaedere
- Swallowed By The Earth
- Sweet Massacre
- Sweet November
- Sweetly Insane
- Sybreed
- Syndicate Zone
- Synmetalium
- Synthetic Sanity
- Syvään
- Taken by Storm
- Taking Over Tomorrow
- Tame As Tempest
- Tar Pond
- Tardigrada
- Taste of Tears
- Taste Of Uranus
- Tasty Gezzers
- Tears for Beers
- Teenage Kings
- Tell
- Tellrock
- Temesras
- Tempesta
- Temple ov Perversion
- Tempus Fuckit
- Ten-4
- Tendonitis
- Tenebra
- Tenebrae Aeternum
- Tension Riders
- Teronation
- The Arctifice
- The Artifice
- The Atlas Frame
- The Attycs
- The Awakening
- The B-Shakers
- The Basterds
- The Beauty of Gemina
- The Bernhard
- The Birthday Girls
- The Bullet
- The Burden Remains
- The CNK
- The Cooches
- The Corleons
- The Crumpets
- The Dark Rising
- The Dirk
- The Dirtons
- The Dobermans
- The Dues
- The Erkonauts
- The Escalator Haters
- The Fags
- The Family Affair
- The fired
- The Five
- The Fool's Truth
- The Force
- The Foxtail Coverband
- the frescos
- The Fucks
- The Fürobig
- The G's
- The Gila Monster
- The Giveaways
- The Giving
- The Glorias
- The Gods of Isando
- The Going Commandos
- The Goodbye Johnnys
- The Grady Twins
- The Heast
- The Hikes
- The Hirondelles
- The Hot Pistons
- The Hunt
- The Hydden
- The Jackets
- The Kate Effect
- The Klayns
- The Konincks
- The Kushan Empire
- The Leaving
- The Lovers
- The Midlandfuckers
- The Minx
- The Möles
- The Monofones
- The Monsters
- The Moonling
- The Nixfits
- The Order
- The Pixel
- The Psychonauts
- The Red Head Beard
- The Rockbastards
- The Royal Hangmen
- The Seniles
- The Shattered Mind Machine
- The Shit
- The Sick Fox
- The Skunks
- The smiling Ässholes
- The Solar Temple
- The Southern Project
- The Spartis
- The Strapones
- The Sublinguals
- The Sunwashed Avenues
- The Three Sum
- The Troika
- The True Incest
- The Universe By Ear
- The Uprising
- The Vad Vuc
- The Valley of Mantis
- The Vibes
- The Violent Santa Monica Flipflops
- The War We Lost
- The Weyers
- The Wild Haze
- The Wise Fools
- The Wolve's Cave
- The Young Gods
- TheBadAmps
- Them Bones
- Them Stones
- There will be Lions
- This Burning Sky
- This Misery Garden
- This Or The Apocalypse
- Thorazin Therapie
- Those Who Remained
- Threat Of Denial
- Three Elements
- Throwaway Society
- Thunderdeath
- Thy Gnosis
- Thymian
- Ticket To Nowhere
- Tierrax
- Timeless
- Timor
- Tinta Leal
- Tipsy Road
- To be Addicted
- Toil
- Tojinbo
- Tonka Bean
- Top Down
- Torment Of Hate
- Torpedo
- Tortilla Flat
- Total Annihilation
- Total Verdichtet
- Totemstack
- Totenheer
- Towsyr Sun
- Trace Of Existence
- Track The Liars Down
- Trailer Park Massacre
- Trank
- Trash Tongue
- Traumalice
- Travelin` Band
- Treekillaz
- Tremendous T.
- Trephining
- Trial Off
- Tribes Of Caïn
- Tribute Bash
- Trickshot
- Trifásico
- Trigger Tones
- Triptykon
- Trogne
- Troimer
- Trollort
- Trou Noir
- TrueBlue
- Trust the shark
- Tschäggättä
- Tubekillers
- Tüchel
- Túmulo
- Turbodisko
- Turncoats
- Turning Cold
- Twisted
- Tylangir
- Tyrannosaurus Globi
- Tyrehead
- Tyrmfar
- Tzitzimime
- Über You
- Überyou
- UG Five
- Uncaved
- Unchain
- Uncircle
- Undead Vision
- under constraint
- Under My Skin
- Underclass heroes
- Underclass-Heroes
- Undeskin
- Unexpected Fall
- Unexplained
- Unfocred 5
- Unfold
- Ungfell
- Unhaim
- Unhold
- Unicircle
- Unidentify
- Unified Move
- Unity
- Unsilent
- Until Therapy
- Unveil
- Uristier
- Useless
- Vaalnor
- Vague Visions
- Vale Tudo
- Vamprovia
- Van Arx
- Vanadine
- vandercash
- Vanen
- Vapourtrail
- Veil of Light
- Velvet Two Stripes
- Ventura
- Versatile
- Versus
- VertebrA
- Viaticum
- Viator Mundi
- Vicious Rain
- Vigljos
- Vile
- Violent
- Violent Creatures
- Violette
- Virgin Ram
- Virginsoil
- Virtual Symmetry
- Virvum
- Visible Soul
- Visions In Cloud
- Vodew
- Voice Of Ruin
- Void Machine
- Voltage Arc
- Volume II
- Vomitheist
- Vomitors
- Von Zippen
- Vonation
- Voracity
- Vorax
- Vuyvr
- W.A.R.
- Wacht
- Waldskin
- Walking With Ghosts
- Walrus
- WarclaW
- Wardhill
- Warp of Vices
- Watch Us Rise
- Watchdog Society
- Wavecut
- Way Of Changes
- Wazzara
- Weidrost
- Wet Dock 1
- Whales on Jupiter
- What Aleph Said
- What the Hell
- White Ash
- White Dog Suicide
- White Out
- White Roots
- Whiteout
- Who's Elektra
- Whole Lotta DC
- Why So Serious?
- Wicked Plan
- Wielander
- wild turkey
- Wildsnake Tribute Band
- With All One's Heart
- With Hatred
- With Heart
- With one Word
- Wizard of Wiznan
- Wolf Counsel
- Wolfer
- Wolfpit
- WolfWolf
- Woodbridge
- Worldwaker
- Worry Blast
- Worse to Come
- Wrath of Alga
- Written by Witches
- Wrong Rabbit
- Xaon
- Xicon
- XII Gallon Overdose
- Xordia
- Years After the Farewell (YATF)
- Yes I Man
- Yog
- Your Fault
- Yverdoom
- Zaphira
- Zappedüster
- Zatokrev
- Zeal & Ardor
- Zero8Fifteen
- Zertrümmerte Kniescheiben
- Zielloos
- Zirka
- Zirrus
- Zlang Zlut
- Zleeping Elephants
- Zombiewolf
- Zorrn
- Zpork
- Zyanide
- Ølten
- Ørefik
Hey Metalheads!
Wenn ihr cool findet, was wir hier machen, könnt ihr uns gerne unterstützen. Überlegt's euch, keine Verpflichtung! → Vielen Dank!