- After Forever
- All For Nothing
- Amorgen
- Angelic Forces
- Apophys
- As Prayers Fail
- Asagraum
- Asgrauw
- Asphyx
- Bad Omen
- Bambix
- Beenkerver
- Blackbriar
- Bodyfarm
- Born From Pain
- Botulistum
- Burial Earth
- Carach Angren
- Chain Of Dogs
- Cirith Gorgor
- Clan of Xymox
- Cote d'Aver
- Cryptosis
- Cultus
- Death Alley
- Defacement
- Delain
- Disavowed
- Discharger
- Discipline
- Distillator
- Dool
- Edge Of Serenity
- Epica
- For I Am King
- Fubar
- Funeral Whore
- Gggolddd
- Gingerpig
- God Dethroned
- Gold
- Gore
- Graf
- Grafjammer
- Grand Supreme Blood Court
- Hail Of Bullets
- Hawser
- Heavy Lord
- Heidevolk
- Helleruin
- Herder
- Infinity
- Insurrection
- Izegrim
- Jesus cröst
- Komatsu
- Korpse
- Kreyll
- Laster
- Legion Of The Damned
- Lord Volture
- Lucifericon
- Martyr (NL)
- Max Berend
- Mondvolland
- My City Burning
- Nahasheol
- Nemesea
- No Turning Back
- Nuclear Devastation
- Obsidian Sun
- Oltas
- Omnia
- Onheil
- Pendejo!
- Pentacle
- Peter Pan Speedrock
- Phantom Elite
- Picture
- Prostitute Disfigurement
- Purest of Pain
- Rages of Sin
- Rectal Smegma
- Reincarnatus
- ReVamp
- Rompeprop
- Seven Spirits Burning
- Severe Torture
- Shylmagoghnar
- Sinister
- Slechtvalk
- Soulburn
- Spectrum of Delusion
- Spill Gold
- Stoma
- Svartvit
- Teethgrinder
- Temple Fang
- Textures
- Thanatos
- The Committee
- The Devil's Blood
- The Gentle Storm
- The Royal
- This Means War
- Toner Low
- Turia
- Two Face Sinners
- Vanderbuyst
- Vengeance
- Verbum Verus
- Visionary666
- Vitamin X
- Vuur
- Wederganger
- Winter Of Sin
- Within Temptation
- Wrang
Hey Metalheads!
Wenn ihr cool findet, was wir hier machen, könnt ihr uns gerne unterstützen. Überlegt's euch, keine Verpflichtung! → Vielen Dank!