- 1000Mods
- Acherontas
- Acid Death
- Acrimonious
- Aetherian
- Allochiria
- Aran Angmar
- Astrarot
- Astray
- Bare Infinity
- Bio-Cancer
- Blessed by Perversion
- Bus
- Chronosphere
- Daylight Misery
- Death League
- Dizziness
- Dodsferd
- Drama Noir
- Dødsferd
- Elysion
- Exarsis
- Firewind
- Fragment Soul
- Godsleep
- Inveracity
- Kawir
- Kin Beneath Chorus
- Lucifer's Child
- Lunar Spells
- Malignant
- MindThreat
- Nadiwrath
- Nightrage
- Planet Of Zeus
- Psyanide
- Ravencult
- Raw in Sect
- Receiver
- Rotting Christ
- Sacred Outcry
- Scar of the Sun
- Scepticflesh
- Septicflesh
- Sickening Horror
- Slavebreed
- Speedruch
- Suicidal Angels
- Terrordrome
- The Slayerking
- Thyrathen
- Triumpher
- Varathron
- Vomitile
- Warrior Path
Hey Metalheads!
Wenn ihr cool findet, was wir hier machen, könnt ihr uns gerne unterstützen. Überlegt's euch, keine Verpflichtung! → Vielen Dank!