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- 5539
- Punkte
- 544
- Konzerte
- 51
- Festivals
- 1004
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- 1
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Lemmy (film); Lords of Chaos
Cult Never Dies
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- 1349
- 3 Inches Of Blood
- A Dark Halo
- A Small District
- Abhorrent
- Abominable Putridity
- Above Aurora
- Abramelin
- Acanthosis
- Accelerator
- Acid Blade
- Acid Witch
- Ad Infinitum
- Ad Mortem
- Adorior
- Adversary
- Adversus Semita
- Aegrus
- Aeolian
- Aephanemer
- Aesmah
- Aesthus
- Aether Realm
- Aethereus
- Aetheria Conscientia
- Aetherian
- Aethyrick
- Against Evil
- Agnostic Front
- Aihos
- Akercocke
- Akroasis
- Aldaaron
- Alestorm
- Alghol
- Alheorte
- Alkhemia
- Alkonost
- All Against Reason
- All That Remains
- Allegaeon
- Allochiria
- Amalekim
- Amethyst
- Amon Amarth
- Among Vultures
- An Abstract Illusion
- Anachronism
- Ancst
- Andracca
- Angelmaker
- Angelus Apatrida
- Annisokay
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Anthrax
- Antioch
- Antti Martikainen
- Antzaat
- Any Given Day
- Aortha
- Aran Angmar
- ArcAine
- Arch Enemy
- Archspire
- Arctos
- Arde
- Arkaik
- Armory
- Arsgoatia
- Árstíðir lífsins
- Artifiction
- Artillery
- As I Lay Dying
- As Sanity Fades
- As the Sun falls
- Asagraum
- Asgard
- Astral Winter
- Astralborne
- At The Gates
- Atreyu
- Attractive Chaos
- Augury
- Aura Noir
- Austrian Death Machine
- Autophagy
- Autopsy
- Avdagata
- Aviana
- Axxelerator
- Azaghal
- Bad Religion
- Battle Tales
- Baxaxaxa
- Bedrängnis
- Beenkerver
- Before The Dawn
- Behemoth
- Benighted
- Besatt
- Bewitcher
- Beyond the Black
- Biohazard
- Black Altar
- Black Faith
- Black Knife
- Black Therapy
- Blackbraid
- Blackened Blue
- Blade Killer
- Blasphemous
- Blazon Stone
- Bleed From Within
- Bloedmaan
- Blood Incantation
- Blood Red Throne
- Blood Sport
- Blood Tsunami
- Bloodletter
- Bloody Hammers
- Bloody Valkyria
- Blut Aus Nord
- Body Count
- Body Void
- Bodysnatcher
- Bonded By Blood
- Born From Pain
- Brain Dealers
- Bronze
- Bullet For My Valentine
- Burden Of Grief
- Burning Sun
- Bury Tomorrow
- Cairiss
- Calarook
- Calico Jack
- Cannibal Corpse
- Carnifex
- Catalyst
- Catch Your Breath
- Cattle Decapitation
- Cavalera Conspiracy
- Celtic Frost
- Century
- Ceremonial Castings
- Chaos Invocation
- Chaoseum
- Chaosmonger
- Chariots Overdrive
- Chelsea Grin
- Children Of Bodom
- Cinderella
- Cineastre
- Cold Cell
- Comecon
- Concrete
- Conquer Divide
- Consumed by Vultures
- Contorsion
- Converge
- Convictive
- Cradle Of Filth
- Creeping Death
- Crippled Fingers
- Critical Heartbeat
- Crowbar
- Crown Magnetar
- Cruel Force
- Crypta
- Cryptic Slaughter
- Crystal Viper
- Cultus Profano
- Currents
- Curse upon a Prayer
- D.R.I.
- Dååth
- Dark Fortress
- Dark Funeral
- Dark Horizon
- Dark Matter Secret
- Dark Tranquillity
- Darkest Hour
- Darkness
- De Profundis
- Dead Born Vision
- Death
- Death Angel
- Deathhammer
- Decapitated
- Deceased
- Deconvolution
- Defacing God
- Deicide
- Dekapitator
- Demon King
- Demoncy
- Demonical
- Depravity
- Derelict
- Despising Age
- Despite Exile
- Destruction
- Devangelic
- Devastator
- Devil Master
- Devils Bridge
- Devils Henchmen
- Devils Rage
- Devilsbridge
- Dimmu Borgir
- Disparaged
- Dissection
- Distant Past
- Disturbed
- Downfall of Gaia
- Dream Tröll
- Dreams In Fragments
- Dusk
- Dwarrowdelf
- Dying Fetus
- Dysmal
- Dødsferd
- Eat Your Heart Out
- Eaten by Sharks
- Eave
- Edge Of Sanity
- Elcano
- Electrocutioner
- Elegant Weapons
- Eluveitie
- Emerald
- Eminenz
- Emperor
- Endoras
- Enforcer
- Ensiferum
- Equipoise
- Eradikated
- Erlking
- Erupdead
- Eternal Delyria
- Evil Corpse
- EvilDead
- Evile
- Exciter
- Exhortation
- Exmortus
- Exocrine
- Exodus
- Experiment Specimen
- Eye of Horus
- Facelift Deformation
- Faith No More
- Falesya
- Fäust
- FB1964
- Fear Factory
- Feeble
- Fiat Nox
- Final Story
- Finntroll
- Fire in the Distance
- First Fragment
- Firtan
- Fit For A King
- Fit For An Autopsy
- Five Finger Death Punch
- Fleshcrawl
- Fleshgod Apocalypse
- Flub
- Forlet Sires
- Forsaken Legion
- Frelser
- Frozen Gate
- Fueled by Fear
- Fueled By Fire
- Fugitive
- Gaerea
- Gates of Ishtar
- Geistaz'ika
- Ghosts of Atlantis
- Glacier Eater
- Gloryhammer
- God Dethroned
- God Forbid
- Godkiller
- Gomorra
- Graf
- Grafvitnir
- Grand Cadaver
- GraveRipper
- Graveview
- Great Master
- Green Labyrinth
- Grima
- Grip Inc.
- Groza
- Gwar
- Halphas
- Hammerfall
- Hån
- Harakiri for the Sky
- Haunt
- Havok
- Havok
- Havukruunu
- Heathen
- Heathen Foray
- Heathen Heretic
- Heaven Shall Burn
- Heaven's Damnation
- Heavy Load
- Hecate Enthroned
- Heinous
- Hëll Dëath
- Hell Fire
- Hellhammer
- Helloween
- Hellripper
- Hellvetica
- Hellwitch
- Hemlock
- Heriot
- Hideous Divinity
- Hinayana
- Hirax
- Hollow Front
- Honor
- Horrendous
- Hot Graves
- Houle
- Humanity Decayed
- Hunted Like Thieves
- Hyades
- Hyperia
- I, Delusionist
- I, Helvete
- Idol Throne
- Iffernet
- Iku-Turso
- Ildfar
- Imminence
- Immorium
- Imperial Crystalline Entombment
- Imperialist
- In Aphelion
- Incendiary
- Indepth
- Inferi
- Infestation
- Infinitas
- Infinity
- Ingested
- Inherits the Void
- Inner Sanctum
- Innersphere
- Insanity
- Insanity61
- Intent
- Interceptor
- Irae
- Iron Curtain
- Ironflame
- Jenner
- Jinjer
- Judge Minos
- Kaatarakt
- Kaine
- Kallias
- Kalt Vindur
- Kamelot
- Kampfeswut
- Kanonenfieber
- Kassogtha
- Kaunis Kuolematon
- Kawir
- Keep Of Kalessin
- Kerrigan
- Kill The Lights
- Killswitch Engage
- Kings Rot
- Knocked Loose
- Korrosive
- Kreator
- Kreyll
- Krigsgrav
- Kvaen
- Lamb Of God
- Lamentari
- Lancaster
- Land of Fog
- Lasskahl
- Lebensangst
- Legendry
- Legion Of The Damned
- Life Of Agony
- Lifecrusher
- Limbonic Art
- Lorna Shore
- Lost In Pain
- Loud Night
- Lucifera
- Luciferian Rites
- Lucifixion
- Lucifuge
- Lunar Tombfields
- Lycanthrope
- Machine Head
- Madball
- Maid of Ace
- Maladie
- Malevolence
- Malevolent Creation
- Malphas
- Manbryne
- Manowar
- Massen
- Master
- Master Boot Record
- Master Sword
- Master's Call
- Megadeth
- Megaton
- Megaton Sword
- Mental Cruelty
- Mercenary
- Merciless
- Merciless Death
- Messiah
- Metal Cross
- Metallica
- Meurtrières
- Midnight
- Midnight Descension
- Militia
- Millennium
- Mind Patrol
- Misthyrming
- Moment of Madness
- Monosphere
- Moonlight Sorcery
- Moonreich
- Moonsorrow
- Mordant Rupture
- Morfina
- Morgul Blade
- Morphetik
- Mort Froide
- Mortal Factor
- Mortem Obscuram
- Motorbreath
- Motörhead
- Mumincunt
- Municipal Waste
- Murge
- Must Be Wrong
- Mustang
- Mutiilation
- Mutoid Man
- Myrkur
- Mystfall
- Mystic Prophecy
- Myteri
- Mythologik
- Nachtmaar
- Nadiwrath
- Naglfar
- Nattverd
- Naxen
- Necrodeath
- Necrofier
- Necrony
- Necrophiliac
- Necrophobic
- Nekrogoblikon
- Never Obey Again
- Nevermore
- Nexion
- Night Cobra
- Night Crowned
- Night Demon
- Night in Gales
- Nightside
- Nihilo
- Ninnghizhidda
- Nite
- Nitroverts
- No Sons Of Mine
- Non Est Deus
- Nornir
- Northern Oak
- Nostalghia
- Nothing new in Heaven
- Nyktophobia
- Obituary
- Oblivion Throne
- Obscura
- Obsidian Shrine
- Odium
- Olathia
- Olkoth
- Omnium Gatherum
- Omophagia
- One of Nine
- Onheil
- Oniric Prison
- Onslaught
- Opferblut
- Ophelia's Eye
- Orbit Culture
- Order of Nosferat
- Oscillattion of Void
- Ossilegium
- Our Hollow Our Home
- Overkill
- Owlbear
- Oxtall
- Pagan Altar
- Pagan Impaler
- Paleface
- Pantera
- Panzerkrieg666
- Paranorm
- Parkway Drive
- patSKAts
- Peace is just a Break
- Pennywise
- Permutation
- Pertness
- Pessimist
- Pest Control
- Phaëthon
- Phantom
- Phantom Elite
- Phobophilic
- Polaris
- Possessed
- Powerstroke
- Powerwolf
- Pro-Pain
- Promethee
- Putrascension
- Rage
- Rage Against the Machine
- Rage of Light
- Raging Speedhorn
- Raider
- Ravager
- Ravencult
- Raw Brigade
- Raze
- Receiver
- Remission
- Reperias
- Revocation
- Rexoria
- Rigor Mortis
- Rimruna
- Riot City
- Ritualistic
- Rottentown
- Royal Desolation
- Runespell
- Running Maiden
- Ryker's
- S.O.D.
- Sabaton
- Sacramentum
- Sacred Outcry
- Sadistic Force
- Sadus
- Saidan
- Saint & Sinners
- Saints & Sinners
- Samael
- Sanguisugabogg
- Sarastus
- Sarcator
- Sarkrista
- Scarlet Anger
- Schattenvald
- Science Of Disorder
- Scowl
- Screamer
- Scrotum
- Seax
- Sedimentum
- Sentient Horror
- Sepultura
- Serenity in Murder
- Servant
- Seth
- Setherial
- Sevendust
- Shadow of Intent
- Shadowland
- ShadowPath
- Shadows Fall
- Shūnyatā
- Siamese
- Signum Regis
- Silent Knight
- Silver Dust
- Sin Logica
- Sinister
- Six Feet Under
- Skaphos
- Skeletal Remains
- Skeletonwitch
- Slaughter to Prevail
- Slayer
- Smoulder
- Sodom
- Sodomisery
- Soilwork
- Sölicitör
- Sorcier Des Glaces
- SorePoint
- Soul Demise
- Spectrum of Delusion
- Speed Queen
- Spere
- Spiritworld
- Spite
- Spitfire
- Steel Bearing Hand
- Stepfather Fred
- Stick To Your Guns
- Storm Alert
- Stormhunter
- Stormkeep
- Stortregn
- Structural
- Suffering Souls
- Suffocation
- Suotana
- Svalbard
- Svartsyn
- Svarttjern
- Sworn
- Sworn Enemy
- Sylosis
- Symbiontic
- Symbolik
- Symplus-E
- Synlakross
- Taberah
- Taikuus
- Tailgunner
- Tankard
- Tardigrad
- Tardigrada
- Tårfödd
- Tegmentum
- Temperance
- Temple ov Perversion
- Tension
- Tentation
- Testament
- The Dreaming
- The Exploited
- The Gloom In The Corner
- The Halo Effect
- The Haunted
- The Kate Effect
- The Kryptik
- The Mosaic Window
- The Odious Construct
- The Pain Body
- The Privateer
- The Spirit
- The Story So Far
- The sun's journey through the night
- The Unity
- The Voynich Code
- The Zenith Passage
- Theotoxin
- Therapy?
- Thermality
- Thrashwall
- Thron
- Thrown
- Thy Art is Murder
- Thyrathen
- Toadeater
- Toadvine
- Tormenter
- Tornekratt
- Torturized
- Totenwache
- Tower Hill
- Toxic Holocaust
- Toxik
- Toxikull
- Traitor
- Traveler
- Triagone
- Tribulation
- Triumpher
- Tryglav
- Tsjuder
- Túmulo
- Two Face Sinners
- Tylangir
- Type O Negative
- Tyrann
- Tyrmfar
- Udad
- Udånde
- Uhl
- Unanimated
- Uncaved
- Under The Night Sky
- Unearth
- Unified Move
- Urban Grey
- Urstrid
- Vader
- Väkären
- Vale Tudo
- Valravn
- Vananidr
- Vane
- Vansind
- Varials
- Vektor
- Vendul
- Verba Serpentis
- Vermilia
- Vermocracy
- Versatile
- Vesuvian
- Viacrucis
- Vicious Rain
- Vile Rebirth
- Viscera
- Visceral Reaction
- Visions Of Atlantis
- Vittra
- Voice Of Ruin
- Voivod
- Volcandra
- Vomitory
- Vorax
- Véhémence
- Wage War
- War Curse
- Warbringer
- Warfield
- Warkings
- Warrior Path
- Wayfarer
- Wehrmacht
- Weltenbrandt
- While She Sleeps
- White Ward
- Whitechapel
- Widertod
- Windthrow
- Wings of Steel
- Winterfylleth
- Wintersun
- Witchburner
- Witchery
- Wolfheart
- wolfpack
- Woodwitch
- Worm Shepherd
- Wormlight
- Wormwitch
- Worwyk
- Wraith
- Wrath of Alga
- Wrath of Logarius
- Wytch Hazel
- Xandria
- Xoth
- Yonder Realm
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